Guide: Customizing
Your own unique search engine.
Private. Personal.
Find summarized information or complete a task without having to leave the results page with Search Apps. Customize search results from your favorite apps and sources of information:
- Rank apps and sources “Higher” by liking
- Rank apps and source “lower” by disliking
- Pin your favorite apps to easily find and search through them later
- Block apps and sources inside the ranked results
Add search apps to your preference list
Your preferences matter.
Press “Like” on your favorite sources for news, social, shopping and more. You’ll rank those results from those apps first, seeing them more often when you search for something relevant.
Don’t like something? Press that ‘Dislike’ button to see it less often.
Hide apps and sources from your search results.
If really don’t like a result from a particular app or source, you can block the app.
Blocking the app will add the app to your “blocked” list. You can always edit the list of blocked apps by visiting and setting the preference to “Normal”
Save your favorite apps.
Customize your favorite suite of apps as a tab on the results page. Pin any app and your “Pinned” tab on the results page allows you to come back to those when you need that app specifically and your query is relevant. You’ll only see those apps, and nothing else.